I am an Activist

Conscientious Objector Herstory
Paired while dancing together on a summer’s night,
Now you are gone, only memories hold me tight.

We rocked in harmony, our friendship cover enough.
Little did I know the lawless raw stuff.

The Elephant man was an unfortunate fellow
Whose historic deformed figure we watched in a circus
Movie with its cruelty. Our world was mellow
Compared to his. Roots of violence grew around us.

Peacekeepers from youth in freedom from fear,
The ping pong games we played last through the years.

Our basketball and tennis games were one on one.
We were fit not fat, competing with fun.

He discovered his cats were both sick.

Clydesdale horses in parade pranced
As we watched them sitting ourselves
On a rooftop listening to them clicking
Their hooves on the road one summer day.

She discovered healthy bones mountain climbing
With him and his daughter, in God’s timing.

Denise Levertov read her poetry to us.
He said she was a “poet’s poet.” Her fountain
Poetry rocks lost their luster
When he fell asleep with no future gain.

We both counted payrolls staying active.
If our love had been true, it would have survived.

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