I am a Relative

AFSC was part of me before I was born. My parents met at the Philadelphia train station or Pendle Hill on their ways to participate in AFSC work camps in Germany after World War 2. The work camps were great and so was the relationship and after they were married they settled in Boulder Colorado where my sibllings and I were born. From an early age I recall annual AFSC annual report days where we would travel to Denver for a day of learning about the work of AFSC. My mother would usually be carting a number of half gallon milk cartons full of frozen split pea soup, which were Boulder Meetings contribution to the lunch. More recently the event has been transformed to an evening potluck referred to as the annual gathering, but I have not missed many of them. My own involvement has been largely on the fringes, supporting different activities as I can. When our younger daughter was a teenager she served on the Colorado area committee for a term before heading off to college and my husband also has participated in various ways.

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