I was an Activist

Supporter, Organizer, & It was 2007 I have now been living in Maryland for almost 5 years hardest journey on welfare, living on $2.98 a day, no transportation and divorced raising a child within a education system who had deemed us both low-income, and intellectually disabled. I moved here from the inner cities of Washington DC. I'm Cookie Miller one of seven children born and raised in this non existing inclusion that the leaders talk about today 2016 I was born in 74 so I witness Southeast turn into a crack epidemic, I also witnessed my education journey turn into 21 Jumpstreet, I witnessed the Welfare system underscore black communities , I witnessed Child Support system logically categorize men of color, and provide African immigrants a supporting role in creating job growth and housing markets rise and fall. I witnessed lawyers and bankers define the poorest of the poor as the culprits of every crises. That was hilarious because the only people in my family who owned homes we're seniors and even that was created by a program not at all economic development or growth for the middle class Banking systems drew a line and gave each end point a letter so I knew my family and neighbors had a lot of work to do even if invisible lines appeared whenever we showed up.
Just then at 22 now I found out about the Ust dollar giveaway
I stood in line with countless others and once again the invisible fence was up.
I'm now working a summer job with Mayor Barry, I stayed for while but I was always out talking to the homeless, unemployed this intrigued me.
I spent a lot time talking to DC residents who had no choice but to leave the streets of DC, Maryland for what it's worth has a education gap, high rent and utilities, the transportation here in Burtonsville is that of grassy third world country. I had no desire at all to get involved in politics, phantom organizing grassroots sounds about right because the DHHS never asked me why are you having a hard time, they just believed there remedy of monthly payments made since. So I went all in but seemingly endless possibilities loop holes and cracks in each system always at first look distorted the black women and families especially our men, fathers and brothers and personally my son... I was out here for him my brothers I felt it was my job my mission and I promised my mom. Fast forward countless hours of door knocking, phone telethons and piggies-n blanket I somehow felt that my vision was being driven and mandated because I got up and vioced my opinion. But the problem was I stood for so many plainly dressed non-african girls who had the language and what I felt was a license to benefit. It was not at all fair to me but also understood they we're not at fault. They looked at my tattoos my braids and the fact I appeared young as they we're, not at all true I was approaching 38 yrs of age, no job training and experience, debt from loans with no degree or certification to boast about. Everyone belonged to an alumni and network I was a struggling hair stylist who wouldn't complete school because the effects the chemicals had on me. So I'm going to say this I was ashamed of myself not because I didn't have the tools I needed to become successful I didn't want to be the only one when I look at women and girls from my old neighborhoods all in the same boat struggling, burnt out or worst deador jailed. I was never looking for the answers of how to become successful I wanted to know why aren't young black girls and women leading, creating or even mastering this massive machine. I didn't want to be the one I wanted us to charge forward. I turned down every opportunity and kept my relationship with my class of people. Looking back I didn't master anything I became a civic organization within and I sacrificed everything but mostly my time. But it wasn't about that either I wanted to show myself that I still didn't allow any system or injustice to hold me back I'm still living off of 7,000 a year, I'm still a high school drop out and disable I say that with pride because I can look at a lot of mandates and new laws that effect my community and know I wrote it, voiced it and worked my ass off from Environmental responsibility and awareness, Occupational licenses that keep low-income families and students the right to earn a living, Economic disenfranchised communities and organizations that are repeat offenders of non-inclusion.
Economic WAX
Inclusion Summary Report
I also met William Michael Cunningham an Economist Chicago IL Native Washington DC who provides educational resources to Minorities Small Business William Michael Cunningham wrote The JOBS Act 2nd Edition Crownfunding
My WAX -
I shared a seat with Gina McCarthy' EPA and President Barack Obama Climate Change initiatives Historical Howard University in Washington DC
My WAX Volunteering 2008-2016
I started a monthly meetup for women of color like myself and business partners to advance growth.
I've worked in countless startups from farmers market to natural hair education and training, research to create schooling for practicing natural hair stylist and charged countless hours devoted to reframing postsecondary education.

What did you learn I ask myself.
I learned to never try to fit in and if I never get that high-school diploma or degree in this lifetime I at least made the time to make sure my people won't need three heads to counter measure all the economic challenge's to come.

To learn more about The JOBS ACT: Crownfunding Guide for Small Business and Startups, Second Edition
By William Michael Cunningham