“He drew a circle that shut me out
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout
But love and I had the wit to win
We drew a circle that took him in"
Volunteering with the American Friends Service Committee, I helped spread the Green Circle Program - it originally got its name from the above Edwin Markham poem. The poem still makes me cry. The Green Circle Program was developed by a Quaker, not AFSC, but it had the same goals of the Service Committee – peace among young people.
I would go into schools with the goal of helping children understand and appreciate human differences. We would talk about inviting people into our world of caring.
A lot of my work with the Service Committee was behind the scenes – working in the Baltimore book store, volunteering on various committees, mailing invitations, packing clothing – but my work with young people is memorable. I hope I had as much impact on them as they had on me.